currently accepting female clients only

A Unique Approach Medical Massage Therapy

About Catherine Winfree

Catherine Winfree is a flower essence practitioner, certified health and wellness coach, and a NC licensed massage therapist (LMBT 4862). She has over 30 years of experience in healthcare and wellness, a BA in Psychology from North Carolina Central University, and a BS from Iowa State University, with concentrations in microbiology, chemistry, and zoology. Catherine received her integrative health coaching training from Duke Integrative Medicine

Catherine Winfree is a flower essence practitioner, certified health and wellness coach, and a NC licensed massage therapist (LMBT 4862). She has over 30 years of experience in healthcare and wellness, a BA in Psychology from North Carolina Central University, and a BS from Iowa State University, with concentrations in microbiology, chemistry, and zoology. Catherine received her integrative health coaching training from Duke Integrative Medicine

Catherine Winfree is a flower essence practitioner, certified health and wellness coach, and a NC licensed massage therapist (LMBT 4862). She has over 30 years of experience in healthcare and wellness, a BA in Psychology from North Carolina Central University, and a BS from Iowa State University, with concentrations in microbiology, chemistry, and zoology. Catherine received her integrative health coaching training from Duke Integrative Medicine

From Medical Technologist to Massage Therapist

Catherine did not intentionally set out to become a non-Swedish massage therapist. College years prepared her for a career as a medical technologist; her occupation for seven years after receiving her Bachelors of Science degree from Iowa State University (1985).

Chronic Pain

Catherine was in the midst of a career change to computer science when she developed a constant, subtly irritating leg pain. Over the course of 18 months, she pursued relief from conventional medical treatments including trips to orthopedics and physical therapists for x-rays, an MRI, nerve conduction studies, stretches, tens unit applications, and ultrasound therapy. After thorough testing to rule out endometriosis in the hip joint, it was suggested she try alternative therapy.

From Medical Technologist to Massage Therapist

Catherine did not intentionally set out to become a non-Swedish massage therapist. College years prepared her for a career as a medical technologist; her occupation for seven years after receiving her Bachelors of Science degree from Iowa State University (1985).

Chronic Pain

Catherine was in the midst of a career change to computer science when she developed a constant, subtly irritating leg pain. Over the course of 18 months, she pursued relief from conventional medical treatments including trips to orthopedics and physical therapists for x-rays, an MRI, nerve conduction studies, stretches, tens unit applications, and ultrasound therapy. After thorough testing to rule out endometriosis in the hip joint, it was suggested she try alternative therapy.

A Unique View of Massage Therapy

Catherine’s inner scientist enjoyed her new training. While her classmates were improving their Swedish massage skills for relaxing clients with fancy-shmancy moves, Catherine was poking and prodding muscles to see if she could find the source of her fellow student’s pain complaint. She realized she was applying the cause-and-effect of her medical technology education to her massage therapy training. This was the first clue that Catherine’s approach to massage therapy would be unique.

The business strategy taught in the massage curriculum was to schedule clients to return every two weeks. While Catherine understood this business practice, for her, a client returning every two weeks to maintain a reduced level of pain would indicate she failed the client. Catherine's goal for her massage practice was to get the client better so they would not need to come back. This was the second clue that Catherine’s approach to massage therapy would be unique.

Catherine started her massage career at an airport spa. Passengers had very little time before their flights, requiring she quickly assess pain complaints and determine the most effective muscles to focus on for lasting pain relief.  She treated passengers with shoulder pain from carrying luggage, foot pain from non-supportive shoes, and tension headaches from the stress of living hectic lifestyles.

While working at the airport, Catherine became fascinated with the 5-8 minute turn-around time the shoe shiners had with their customers. She noticed how happy their customers were as they walked away; a spring in their step and happy to have their shoes shining like new again.

Catherine began envisioning a massage practice similar to the shoeshine business. She needed a comprehensive technique that would quickly restore clients to a pain-free life so they could walk away from her sessions, happy to have their bodies feeling like new again. This was Catherine's third and final clue that her approach to massage therapy would be unique.

Extra Ordinary Results for Extraordinary People

Catherine’s specialty training and years of experience has fulfilled her goal of getting quick and lasting results for clients looking for a fast path to improved health.

Is it time to get in touch with Catherine?

currently accepting female clients only

Cary, NC Massage Therapy (4862)

Are you ready to get in touch with Catherine?

currently accepting female clients only

Cary, NC Massage Therapy

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